Why Our Upscaled Shoes Can Help Both Your Wardrobe & Our Ecosystem
- Paul Donohue
How Select Upscaled Shoes Can Help Our Ecosystem & Your Wardrobe 24.2 BILLION pairs of shoes are manufactured globally each year. Most of those end up in landfills. While leather shoes may take up to 40 years to decompose, those made with PVC parts can take up to 1000 years! Giving a Second Step, a second life, to preloved shoes has the power to bring great value to society. New...
The Importance of Skillfully Constructed Shoes In Your Life
- Paul Donohue
Why How A Shoe Is Made Makes All The Difference In The World As the saying goes, shoes make the man or women. Ask anyone with style and class and they’ll all likely tell you that one of the first things they notice when meeting someone is the shoes they are wearing. Looks matter. Shoes are more than just something we put on our feet. They’re also more than just...